Cheap flights from Edinburgh to New York

from as little as £401

3 nights in New York, departing Edinburgh on 23 / Sep / 2024 with British Airways (price found 45 hours ago)

Subject to availability, prices correct of the last 24 hours
New York

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Today alone, Netflights has searched over 4,878 flights. 23 / Sep / 2024 is currently the lowest priced day of the year to fly the Edinburgh/New York route. There are around 1,070 flights on any given week from the UK to New York and the cheapest month to fly right now is September.

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-5 °C


11 °C


28 °C

Rainfall (mm)

73.7 mm


98 mm


106.7 mm

Key facts about New York

How to get cheap flights from Edinburgh to New York

Tips and advice from our flight experts

When you’re looking for cheap flights from Edinburgh Airport (EDI) to New York, it’s worth considering the seasons and temperature. You’ll find that the most expensive flights tend to be in May and September – when New York is warm, but not humid – but July and August are also pricey. For the cheapest deals, look at flights in January or February. Or, if you don’t fancy walking around New York in minus temperatures, look out for offers in October, as cheap flights do crop up at this time of year.

It’s also worth considering which airport you want to fly into – New York has three airports, and prices will vary. You can fly from Edinburgh to John F Kennedy Airport (JFK), La Guardia (LGA) or Newark Liberty International (EWR). There are 1,070 flights every week from Edinburgh to, or via, New York – so you’ve got plenty of options.

But if you want direct flights to New York, you’ll need to fly into JFK or Newark. A variety of airlines offer direct flights, including Air France, Delta and Lufthansa – although Finnair, United Airlines and Virgin Atlantic are the most popular airlines on this route. Alternatively, you could find a cheap flight by having a stopover. Indirect flights are available to all three New York airports, and your airline options include Aer Lingus, Air Canada and British Airways.

FAQs about flights from Edinburgh to New York

Which airlines fly from Edinburgh to New York?
Your choice of airline will depend on which airport you land in. Direct flights from Edinburgh to JFK are provided by Air France, Delta, KLM and Virgin Atlantic. Alternatively, you could compare the price of indirect flights. Several airlines offer indirect flights from Edinburgh to JFK, including Aer Lingus, American Airlines and British Airways.
Direct flights are also available between Edinburgh and Newark. Air Canada, Lufthansa, Swiss and United Airlines all fly straight there, while indirect flights are provided by Aer Lingus, British Airways and Brussels Airlines, amongst others. Alternatively, you could fly to La Guardia. There aren’t any direct flights available from Edinburgh, so you’d need to have a stopover. Air Canada and United Airlines both offer indirect flights via Toronto, while Delta and Virgin Atlantic fly to La Guardia via Boston.

Which airlines have the cheapest flights to New York?
Flights to JFK are usually cheapest, but you should especially look out for flights with Air France, American Airlines and Aer Lingus.

Can I fly direct from Edinburgh to New York?
You can’t fly direct to La Guardia from Edinburgh, but direct flights are available to JFK and Newark.

How long is the flight from Edinburgh to New York?
A direct flight takes roughly 7 hours and 20 minutes, but an indirect flight will obviously take longer.

How do I get into New York from JFK Airport?
There are several different ways to get into the city from JFK Airport. The AirTrain is the cheapest – it connects all terminals to the Long Island Rail Road and the New York subway. If you catch the Long Island Rail Road, it’ll take about 40 minutes to reach Pennsylvania Station and cost you around £17. Another option is to take the ‘E’ train to Penn Station or Times Square, in the heart of Manhattan. The journey lasts up to an hour, but costs less than £10. If you don’t want to lug your suitcase on the train, you could take a taxi into New York – but it’ll cost you at least £45. Alternatively, you could pre-book a shuttle bus to drop you right outside your hotel.

How do I get into New York from Newark Airport?
You might be surprised to know that Newark Airport isn’t even in New York – it’s in New Jersey. It’s a fair distance, so shuttle buses and taxis tend to be very expensive. If you can, it’s much cheaper to get the train. The journey costs roughly £10 and takes no longer than 45 minutes. Trains run throughout the day but, if you have a late flight, be aware that the service doesn’t operate between 2am and 5am. Outside of these hours, though, all you need to do is take the AirTrain to Newark Airport train station, then get a New Jersey Transit train to Penn Station in Manhattan. From there, you can either take the metro or get a taxi straight to your hotel.

How do I get into New York from La Guardia Airport?
Did you know that La Guardia is the nearest airport to New York? It’s only eight miles from central Manhattan – but a cab will still cost you at least £40. Shuttle transfers make a good alternative, although the price will vary depending on where you’re staying and the number of people travelling. There is a cheaper way to get into New York – it takes about an hour but, on the plus side, it costs less than £5. From the airport terminal, simply get on a bus to Jackson Heights-Roosevelt Ave station, and then hop on the subway from there.

What are the top things to do in New York?
Where do we start? There are so many things to see and do in the Big Apple. No holiday to New York would be complete without a trip up the Empire State Building. You should also tick off Times Square, Brooklyn Bridge and the Statue of Liberty. When it comes to shopping in New York, you’ve got an endless supply of famous stores, including Bloomingdale’s, Macy’s and Tiffany & Co. Or get back to nature with a stroll across Central Park. Manhattan’s green space is gigantic – if you walked every path inside it, you’d end up walking 58 miles.

Do I need a visa to travel to New York?
If you’re flying to New York on a British passport, you just need to apply online for an ESTA (Electronic System for Travel Authorisation) so you can travel to the USA. You’ll be able to stay in the country for up to 90 days.

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