Cheap flights from Manchester to Bali

from as little as £471

7 nights in Bali, departing Manchester on 04 / Mar / 2025 with SWISS (price found 7 hours ago)

Subject to availability, prices correct of the last 24 hours

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Today alone, Netflights has searched over 16,197 flights. 04 / Mar / 2025 is currently the lowest priced day of the year to fly the Manchester/Bali route. There are around 510 flights on any given week from the UK to Bali and the cheapest month to fly right now is March.

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Min / Max Temperature (°C)

23 °C


27 °C


30 °C

Rainfall (mm)

53.4 mm


169.5 mm


328.4 mm

Key facts about Bali

How to get cheap flights from Manchester to Bali

Tips and advice from our flight experts

When is the best time to visit Bali?
July is one of the best times to visit Bali weather-wise – it’s in the middle of the dry season, so it’s prime holiday season on this Indonesian island. That does mean flights from Manchester (MAN) to Bali Ngurah Rai International Airport (DPS) – also known as Denpasar – are at their most expensive at this time, though. If you’re looking for cheap flights to Bali, try March instead. It’s in Bali’s wet season, but you’re still likely to get lots of sun on a rainy day in Bali, so it can be a good time to bag a bargain flight.

How many flights are there from Manchester Airport to Bali Airport a week?
There are around 510 weekly flights from Manchester to Bali.

Which airlines fly from Manchester to Bali?
Airlines including Emirates, Cathay Pacific, Qatar Airways, KLM and British Airways all fly indirect from Manchester to Bali.

Which airlines have the cheapest flights to Bali?
Flights with Cathay Pacific often come out cheapest on this route.

Can I fly direct from Manchester to Bali?
No – all flights from Manchester to Bali are currently indirect, so you’ll have at least one stopover on the way. Common layover destinations include Hong Kong, Dubai and Singapore.

How long is the flight from Manchester to Bali?
The shortest flight on this route is around 16 hours and 50 minutes.

What time should I arrive at Manchester Airport?
Make sure you’ve checked in and are ready to go through airport security three hours before your flight is due to depart. Different airlines have different rules, so it’s always worth checking and allowing plenty of time.

How do I get to Manchester Airport?
The train is a convenient way to get to the airport – the station is in the airport building. There’s also a Stagecoach bus service from the city centre to the airport that runs 24 hours a day. By road, Manchester Airport is nine miles south of the city centre, next to the M56 with good links to the M6, M60 and M62. The airport postcode is M90 1QX, so check which terminal you’re flying from before you get here, then follow the relevant signs. If you’re getting a lift to the airport, use the free drop-off point on Thorley Lane, next to the JetParks 1 car park.

How do I get into Bali from Bali Ngurah Rai International Airport?
If you plan to get a taxi, bear in mind that Bali airport taxis don’t have the best reputation. It can be tricky to work out which companies are officially licensed and which aren’t, so you might want to think about pre-booking a private driver with a set fare. If you do want to jump in a taxi without pre-booking, look for Blue Bird taxis, who are the most reputable. As a guide, fares range from IDR 70,000 to Kuta, to IDR 750,000 to Tulamben, but always agree the rate before you go. Another good option is to pre-book an airport transfer with your hotel. Or, catch the bus that stops at the international arrival terminal on the ground floor. This runs seven days a week, every 15 minutes from 5AM to 9PM. A one-way ticket will cost you around IDR 7,500.

Do I need a visa to travel to Bali?
You don’t need a visa to enter Indonesia if you’re travelling on a British Citizen passport and visiting for up to 30 days, as you’ll get a Visa Waiver stamp in your passport. The 30 days includes your date of arrival and date of departure and can’t be extended. If you want to stay longer, you’ll need to arrange a visa.

Airport information

Flying from Manchester Airport
Manchester Airport has three passenger terminals, and it’s possible to walk between each one. There’s a skylink connecting Terminals 1 and 2, which are about 15 minutes apart on foot, and a covered walkway between Terminals 1 and 3, which are only five minutes apart. Emirates flights depart from Terminal 1, where there are plenty of shops as well as the Escape Lounge, which you can pre-book. Cathay Pacific flights set off from terminal 2, and British Airways flights set off from Terminal 3. There are Travelex UK currency exchange services in all three airport terminals if you want to convert your currency before you fly.

Landing in Bali Ngurah Rai International Airport
Bali Ngurah Rai International Airport, which is also known as Denpasar International Airport, is in southern Bali, about eight miles south of Denpasar – hence the name. The airport has two terminals – one domestic and one international. There are five currency exchange offices available between them, and the Mandiri branch in the international arrivals hall is open 24 hours. If you need help planning your trip once you get here, you could try the Prasarana Travel Agency in the arrivals area of both the international and domestic terminals.

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